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Over 60,000 satisfied customers since 2017
Developed by natural scientists

    Evening ritual for mature skin

    Beauty sleep for your skin

    Duration of the ritual: about 20 minutes
    Steps: 4

    What happens while we sleep? Quite a lot - at least with our skin. Numerous studies show that the night is an important time for the beauty routine - so the so-called beauty sleep really exists. During the night, the skin performs a deep cleanse, repairing all the damage done during the day and boosting cell renewal in the process. In addition, the body rids itself of toxins and harmful cells - important for our health and also for a healthy complexion. Therefore, a regular lack of adequate sleep can accelerate skin aging in the long run and makes our skin look both tired and dull.

    Therefore, it is important that we focus on the needs of our skin and ensure sufficient restful sleep so that the skin and the body can regenerate optimally. However, factors such as stress, inner turmoil or strain often make us sleep poorly or find it difficult to rest in the evening. Here it is particularly important to develop your personal routine in order to be able to switch off properly in the evening, even in stressful times. Reading a good book or getting into the bathtub and reviewing the day - regular routines become a ritual and a beloved habit. Your body associates this with relaxation and rest. So nothing stands in the way of a restful sleep and radiantly beautiful skin when you wake up.

    We will show you in 4 steps how to prepare your skin optimally for the night and at the same time make it a relaxing routine that lets you switch off.

    Step 1



    Our skin reacts to changing light conditions. When the sun goes down, a natural cleansing process of the skin begins. Therefore, you should try to remove makeup and dirt from your face as soon as you get home, especially in the fall/winter season when it gets dark early. This way you help your skin to recover naturally.

    Wash your face briefly with warm water. Then gently massage a hazelnut-sized amount of Gentle Cleanser with your fingertips in circular motions from forehead to neck - for 30 seconds.

    To the cleansing cream

    Step 2



    The toner is an important step to clarify the skin and prepare it for the subsequent care. You can apply the toner with a cotton pad or directly with your hands. We recommend the Korean tapping technique: Put some of the toner in the palm of one hand and gradually pick up product with the fingers of the other hand and gently tap it onto the face and neck - in much the same way as a man applies aftershave. Now continue patting until the skin has fully absorbed the toner. This promotes blood circulation and makes your skin silky soft.

    To the toner

    Step 3

    Eye care


    The fine area of skin under the eyes is subjected to a lot of stress during the day. During the night, it must be able to regenerate optimally in order to look smooth and radiant again the next morning, without dark shadows.

    In order to properly work in the eye care and let it penetrate into the deeper regions of the skin, you should tap the cream in with gentle pressure from your ring finger. Start at the inner corner of the eye and then slowly work your way over the outer corners of the eye with tapping and lightly rotating movements.

    For eye care

    Step 4

    Overnight mask


    At night, while we sleep, our body continues to work at full speed and boosts cell division - an important prerequisite in the fight against wrinkles. We can take advantage of this. With care that can penetrate particularly deeply into the skin overnight.

    The Overnight Glow Mask has a soothing effect on the skin and penetrates deep into the lower layers of the skin to stabilize connective tissue and replenish moisture stores. Apply a (really) thin layer of the mask to your face with the included brush, working from the inside out. After applying the mask, you can go straight to your sofa and relax, read a few more chapters of your book, do a relaxing yoga flow, or go straight to getting enough sleep to get back into balance. The mask does not wash off and works all night. This overnight treatment lets you start the next morning with a radiant complexion and an extra portion of self-confidence in the day.

    To the overnight mask

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